
Saturday, August 27, 2011

12. Al-Baari, The Shaper

Using colors that are meant to be reminiscent of clay.

This name is found once in the Qur'an (59:24), which is a list of names, and there I find it variously translated as the Evolver, the Shaper out of naught, the Inventor of all things, the Maker, the Originator, The Initiator.
One website tells me that the difference between three of the names that talk about Allah as creator is as follows.
Some scholars differentiated between al-Khaaliq (the Creator), al-Baari’ (the Maker) and al-Musawwir (the Bestower of forms) as follows:
Al-Khaaliq (the Creator) is the One Who created from nothing all creatures that exist, according to their decreed qualities.
Al-Baari’ is the One Who made man from al-baraa, i.e., clay.
Al-Musawwir is the One Who creates various forms and shapes.

But Haj Ali Dirani says that some say it is this name which refers to bringing things into existence from nothing.   Others say it is creation without a model (thus I presume, "the Inventor" and "the Originator").
Apparently the root can also mean cutting or separating something as in cutting a twig, or a woman separating from her husband, or a business partnership being severed.  Finally, it can mean to cure.  Some of the prayers addressed to Al-Baari are clearly based on this last meaning.meaning.

So where do I go to think about this name, with all these bits and pieces of insight, some of which contradict each other?  I ended up writing a poem, and not a song.


Lord, you spoke the universe into being from nothing.
One step at a time, but stuff out of no-stuff and your word.

Lord, you drew Adam into being, 
bringing mankind
out of mud.

Lord, you drew me into being
From a tiny speck within my mother's womb
To a squalling baby in my mother's arms.

Lord, you still draw me into being
From nothing to something
From dark to light

Through the curtain of Christ's death
You draw me into the inheritance of the saints in light.

Lord, You are the one who keeps drawing forth
Who keeps shaping something out of nothing.
In the world
and in my life.

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